By the Numbers



  • 100% of donations are sent directly to Haiti
  • 28 business leaders 
  • 400 students in grades K-9
  • 25 clean birthing kits distributed
  • 20 In-country employees
  • 50,000+ meals served
  • Thousands of textbooks purchased

After multiple week long mission trips to Gonaives, Haiti, we both knew we had to do more. Over the years, we consistently met people that wanted to work, that wanted to change their circumstance but were lacking in opportunity. And so, Loaves and Fishes was born. Loaves and Fishes gives people a start, an opportunity, and most important, it gives people hope.

We invite you to join us!
Anna & Autumn​

Our Story

Schools are not free in Haiti. With more than half of Haitians living on an average of $2 per day, school is out of reach for most children. 

Our tuition-free school provides an education for children in K-10th grades. Many of which are orphans living with neighbors and relatives. 

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Simply put, we give people a start.

We believe that empowerment leads to self sufficiency. We aim to foster a culture of resiliency throughout our program and  empower people so that they will have a renewed since of hope and control over their own destiny.

Our School

Loaves and Fishes​ Haiti

Mark 8:1-8